Monday, 12 August 2013

"A Big Improvement" - feedback from Sir John Lillie School

year 2 teacher feedback SJL

This is the Year 2 teacher feedback after the recent Write To Be Me course at Sir John Lillie primary school. Children’s names have been substituted with their initial.

“Y has improved in the quantity of what she writes. She enjoys writing and really enjoyed the sessions. She has begun using a wider range of vocabulary.”

“F is showing a big improvement in confidence and output.”

“A big improvement in E’s punctuation. He has benefitted greatly.”

“B now writes much more.”

“K’s listening is improving and his output when writing. His confidence in writing is increasing with more independent working too.”

“M has more confidence in writing, with an increase in output. Better overall and more interesting.”

“O’s output has increased. Writing is more interesting with complex sentences.”

“L’s confidence has increased also output. Use of puncuation is improving. Her talking contribution is also increasing in groups and whole class.”

Sunday, 4 August 2013

End of Term


Not far from the Thames, the Write To Be Me project has been visiting schools in the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. Working with small groups of up to 10 children over 12 weeks, the project uses a programme of writing activities, word games and drawing to encourage children to write and share their stories with each other.

Write To Be Me has received postive feedback from the children. The words they use to describe it are “Fun, Good, Brilliant, Thrilling, Helpful, Awesome”!

Teachers say they’ve noticed positive changes in children’s confidence and writing – they are writing more, enjoying it more and using more interesting words. They also reported improvements in the areas of listening, speaking and general happiness.

The Write To Be Me project will be returning to Sir John Lillie and New Kings primary schools in September.